surgical services

Post-operative Care

Post-operative Care in Los Angeles

Follow-up care you can count on

You will need to see your surgeon for a follow-up appointment after surgery. Please schedule your follow-up appointment with your surgeon’s office.

Caring for your incision

  • Keep your incision clean and dry
  • Do not get your incision wet until you have been instructed to do so
  • Avoid soaking your incision in a tub bath, hot tub or participating in water activities until instructed by your surgeon to do so
  • Notify your surgeon or nurse if you have any signs of infection:
    • Increased drainage
    • Redness
    • Pain
    • Odor
    • Heat around incision
    • Fever


You will not be able to drive for the first few days after surgery unless otherwise instructed by your doctor.

Sexual activity

You may resume sexual activity with caution once your surgeon clears you. If you have any questions about observing precautions, do not hesitate to ask your surgeon.


You should not smoke for two weeks before and after surgery. Smoking will delay your healing.
