White Memorial

Our Code of Ethics


This Code of Ethical Behavior is based on our Core Values and will be reviewed at least every two years and revised as necessary in response to issues which arise in the health care industry, changes in accreditation, legal and/or regulatory requirements and recommendations which may arise from resolution of ethical issues.


We are committed to ensuring confidentiality of records and related information for all patients, employees and medical center business. Any breach of confidentiality represents a failure to meet the professional and ethical standards expected, and constitutes a violation of this policy. A full confidentiality statement is received and accepted by each employee as part of the employee handbook.

Quality of Care

We ensure that our employees and medical staff provide appropriate, quality patient care by:

  • Individualizing care for each patient with care plans that document the reason(s) for the level of care, goals and objectives, interventions and participation by appropriate professionals, and which are reviewed and revised according to each patient's needs.
  • Using adequate numbers of appropriately trained staff to implement each patient's care plan.
  • Supporting our medical staff in monitoring quality, utilization of resources and the appropriateness of the care plans.
  • Providing our employees and medical staff with adequate resources to do their work.
  • Evaluating technological advancements occurring in the marketplace and allocating resources for the purchase of appropriate medical and other related equipment.
  • Never discontinuing necessary patient treatment, or providing unnecessary patient care for financial reasons.

Patient Rights

We ensure appropriate care for all patients, regardless of race, gender, age, religion, national origin, disability, sexual preference, ability to pay or type of health plan coverage.

We develop and implement policies and procedures to protect patient rights in the delivery of patient care. These policies and procedures are located in administrative or patient care manuals and include patient rights, informed consent, advance directives, translation services, withholding and withdrawing of life support and pastoral counseling.

We support and facilitate patient rights to access guardianship, advocacy, conservatorship and child or adult protective services by providing information as requested. The Social Work Services Department is responsible for ensuring that the proper protective agencies are notified as required by county, state and federal laws.

If You Have a Concern

You have the right to file a complaint/grievance. If you want to file a complaint/grievance with this hospital, you may do so by writing or calling:

Adventist Health White Memorial
Grievance Committee
1720 Cesar Chavez Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90033

Phone:(323) 268-5000 x4367

File a complaint with the state Department of Health Services regardless of whether you use the hospital's grievance process. The state Department of Health Service's phone number and address is:

Department of Health Services
5555 Ferguson Drive, Room 320
Commerce, CA 90022

Phone:(800) 228-1019


We communicate our billing policies to all our patients prior to, or, at the time of admission or service. We bill our patients for services rendered and provide itemized bills free of charge upon request. Our patient business office responds to patient questions in a timely and courteous manner.

We perform an internal audit annually to ensure the accuracy of our bills. Adjustments are made to correct any over or under billings.

Health Education

We are committed to providing patient health education, to encouraging and empowering our community to adopt healthy lifestyles, and to helping individuals and families assume roles of self-care management and well-being.

Marketing and Advertising

We adhere to principles of truth, accuracy, and fairness in all marketing and advertising. We will not distort the truth about services or products provided by the hospital, nor will we attack or disparage another provider, whether by name or implication, in any marketing or advertising efforts. We may feature our outstanding services or offer factual evidence of quality of care, but will not claim superiority where it cannot be substantiated.


We treat our vendors fairly and maintain impartiality in our relationships. We do not allow our friendships with our vendors, or others with whom we may do business in the future, to affect our business decisions.

Charitable gifts or contributions from vendors are not required, and have no bearing upon their actual or potential business relationship with us.

Subsidies to underwrite the costs of medical education or professional meetings are permitted, in that they benefit patient care and community health.

Human Resources

We are committed to hiring competent individuals who support our core values. For our employees, we provide:

  • Continuous educational opportunities, to ensure their competency and knowledge.
  • A work environment in which ethical concerns may be raised and openly discussed without fear of retribution or retaliation.

Employees are expected to act in an ethical manner at all times. They are expected to:

  • Adhere to and uphold county, state and federal laws and regulations.
  • Shun harassment, dishonesty or theft.
  • Protect assets belonging to patients, employees and others (including themselves) against loss, theft and/or misuse.
  • Report incidents which they believe may be unethical to their supervisor or to the Director of the Human Resources Department. Supervisors are responsible for notifying their Department Director. Directors are responsible for notifying their Vice President.

All employees are expected to adhere to our Core Values and Code of Business and Ethical Behavior, regardless of position, personal preferences, inconveniences or business pressures. Violations of the Code of Ethical Behavior should be promptly reported, reviewed and investigated. Those who violate these codes or knowingly fail to report violations may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Physician issues are to be referred to the medical staff office.

Legal Responsibilities

Our employees are required to adhere to and uphold county, state and federal laws and regulations.


We do not misrepresent ourselves, our positions or our authority.

Medical Education

As a teaching hospital, we are committed to providing education and training for physicians, nurses, radiology technologists and other allied health professionals.

We advise our patients and secure their consent to receive care provided by our students under the supervision of trained educators.

Conflict of Interest

We avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest to ensure objectivity and maintain individual and institutional integrity. Board members, administration, employees (and their immediate family members) shall not:

  • Hold any material financial interests in companies or organizations that do business or are seeking to do business with us, without full disclosure.
  • Accept cash payments or personal gifts of more than nominal value from companies or organizations doing business with us.
  • Be directly or indirectly responsible for hiring or supervising an immediate family member.

If a conflict of interest exists, employees must report it to the appropriate management. The Chief Operating Officer shall be responsible for taking appropriate action to eliminate any conflict of interest.
