
Requirements for Weight-loss Surgery

While the results of weight loss surgery can be drastically life-changing, it is important that it not be used as a quick solution to lose a few pounds. Bariatric surgery is a medical procedure that alters the way a person is able to eat and digest food, so patients should only apply for surgery if their body weight is affecting their health in a significant way.

Is weight-loss surgery right for you?

Weight loss surgery is for those whose body weights have impacted their ability to carry on with regular activities without pain, exhaustion, or other problems. Using your body mass index (BMI) measurement, you can learn more about whether or not weight-loss surgery would be right for you.Click here to calculate your BMI.

You may be a candidate for weight-loss surgery if you have:

  • A BMI greater or equal to 40
  • A BMI between 35 and 39 with at least one other major medical condition such as respiratory problems or sleep apnea, hypertension, high blood pressure, severe arthritis, or diabetes

What is required if you are considering weight-loss surgery?

Prior to undergoing a surgery, it is important to make sure you are ready to carry on with the new habits you’ll be required to maintain.

Prior to surgery, you may need:

  • A referral form your primary care physician
  • Nutritional evaluation with a nutritionist before and after surgery to establish eating habits, which are the most important change you’ll make after surgery
  • Three to six months of supervised weight-loss with documented weights (insurance requirement)
  • Upper endoscopy

What diagnostic tests are required after weight loss surgery?

In order to ensure you are healthy, some diagnostic tests may be required after surgery. You can work with your primary care physician and/or surgeon to complete these tests.

They can include:

  • Blood work or laboratory testing
  • Chest X-ray (CXR)
  • EKG
  • Cardiac tests
  • Psychological evaluation
  • Respiratory/sleep study test
  • Radiological test (chest X-ray, barium swallow, mammography)
  • Gynecological evaluation
  • EGD/colonoscopy