Five men’s health screenings to consider this “Movember”
Nov 9, 2020

You were made for more. More adventure. More travel. More time with family.
This Movember, we’re focusing on men’s health and want to remind you about several important screenings that should not be delayed.
Whether you need tofind a provideror schedule a check-up with your existing provider, be sure to ask about the followingrecommended screenings:
- Blood pressure screening:Recommended for adults age 40 years or older and for those who are at increased risk for high blood pressure.
- Colon cancer screening:Recommended for colorectal cancer starting at age 50 years and continuing until age 75 years. This may also depend on your health and family history.
- Mental health screening:Recommended for all adult patients.
- Prostate cancer screening:Recommended for men aged 55 to 69 years. Talk to your provider to learn more about potential benefits and risks.
- Vaccinations:Staying current on your vaccinations, including your annual flu shot, is important for people of all ages. Ask your provider which vaccinates you’re due for.
Some of the above screenings will vary by age or family history, but it’s never too early or too late to begin the conversation with your provider.
Adventist Health is safe, open and ready to care for you. Safety precautions are enforced at all our facilities, including mandatory masking, temperature screenings before entry, physical distancing and deep cleaning of equipment.
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