patient stories

Troy Shahen

Innovative Spine Surgery Got Troy Back on His Feet and Back in Business

With an active career in the restaurant business, Troy Shahen is always on his feet. An avid traveler, golfer, weight lifter and scuba diver, Troy had experienced some low back pain in the past. But he knew he was in trouble when he woke up one morning in spring 2020 and couldn’t move his upper neck at all. When he went to get an MRI, the pain was so intense that he couldn’t even lay down in the MRI machine.

After an Internet search and seeking out word-of-mouth recommendations, Troy landed on the Northern California Spine Institute. There, they discovered he had a severely herniated disc in his neck, and they scheduled Troy for surgery in August. Only 10 days after the operation, Troy was back in the gym lifting weights. Within three months, he was back to his normal activities—golfing, working out and staying busy in his restaurant—with no pain and no need for medications.

“I can’t say enough good things about the whole crew—from intake to their bedside manner, to post-op recovery,” Troy says. “If you want specialists who are honest, professional, easy to talk to and do a great job, then this team is who you want. I’m thoroughly impressed.

Call(209) 536-5778to schedule an appointment or learn how we get better results through high-quality care.
