
Sleep Lab

Get the restful sleep you deserve

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Nothing is as disruptive to leading a normal, productive life as the inability to get good, restful sleep. Almost everyone experiences an occasional sleepless night, but if you find it impossible to sleep night after night, consider seeking medical help.

You may have a sleep disorder if you struggle with:

  • Loud snoring
  • Holding your breath while asleep
  • Gasping, choking or snorting while asleep
  • Falling or staying asleep
  • Restless legs
  • Extreme sleepiness during the day
  • An irregular sleep and wake cycle

Our team specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of a range of sleep-related problems, including:

  • Snoring
  • Sleep apnea
  • Insomnia
  • Narcolepsy
  • Parasomnias, such as sleep walking
  • Other sleep-related disorders

At the Sleep Lab, our expert team will track your sleep patterns overnight in a sleep study and record valuable information that will lead to a proper diagnosis and the best course of action for you. Whatever is troubling your sleep, our team can help you get back to a solid night’s rest.

Contact your primary care provider for a referral, or call the Adventist Health Sleep Laboratory at(209) 536-5160for more information.

Accredited for quality


The Sleep Lab at Adventist Health Sonora is accredited byAccreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC)for compliance with a comprehensive set of national standards. By choosing a healthcare provider that has achieved ACHC accreditation, you can take comfort in knowing that you will receive the highest quality of care.

A sleeping disorder is a serious medical condition

Many people think their sleep problem is just an annoyance, but people with sleep disorders are at risk for developing other conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes or heart problems. Sleep apnea, a disorder in which there are repeated pauses in breathing during sleep, can prevent the body from getting enough oxygen, cause excessive daytime fatigue and moodiness, and lead to stroke or heart failure if left untreated. Thankfully, the help provided by sleep specialists has very high rates of success.

Our medical director

Our sleep studies are conducted under the direction ofNaeem Rana, MD, who is board-certified in both pulmonology and sleep medicine. Dr. Rana interprets the sleep studies and provides detailed reports to primary or referring physicians who then order treatments for their patients based on sleep study results.

Dr. Rana has extensive training and experience and a passion for helping people with sleep disorders improve their quality of life through better sleep. He will work closely with your primary care provider to help you with your treatment plan and achieve the best outcomes.

Adventist Health Sleep Laboratory offers the following diagnostic testing:

  • Diagnostic polysomnography - in Sleep Lab
  • Diagnostic polysomnography - in home
  • Titration polysomnography
  • Home overnight oximetry monitoring