Video: Strategies to Overcome Burnout

Aug 1, 2022


Nearly three-quarters of employees across all industries say they have experienced the effects of burnout, which is work-related stress that manifests in physical and mental exhaustion.

“The easiest way to handle burnout is to prevent it,” says Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Karen Brimeyer, a therapist with Adventist Health partner SyncTALK, explaining that burnout occurs when we work harder at our jobs than we do at taking care of ourselves.

When that happens, this form of deep-seated stress can lead to high blood pressure, GI issues, dry hair and skin, bouts of anger and an inability to regulate emotions properly.

Finding ways to prioritize self-care can help — and not just once in a while, Brimeyer says. Instead, “do small things often … and create a self-care routine that is a daily part of your world.”

In this video, Brimeyer explains how those experiencing or approaching burnout can build sustainable self-care routines to create healthier lives and experience more wholeness.

If you are experiencing challenges with your mental health, it can be overwhelming to know who to talk to or how to seek help. But there is hope. Talk to yourhealthcare providerabout what you’re experiencing. He or she will be able to talk to you about treatments, support groups andresources to cope with mental illness.

And if you or a loved one is in crisis and needs support right now,reach out to the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. 988 offers 24/7 access to trained crisis counselors who can help people experiencing mental health-related distress. That could be:

  • Thoughts of suicide
  • Mental health or substance use crisis, or
  • Any other kind of emotion distress

People can call or text988or chat988lifeline.orgfor themselves or if they are worried about a loved one who may need crisis support.
