surgical services

Patient Testimonials


“Dr. Pakula really explained to me that something more needed to be done. I live, eat and breathe automation, so when Dr. Pakula started talking about robotic surgery, I knew the reliability and how it can smooth things out. It was so comforting to me. It’s not that restful to sleep sitting up. I was sleep deprived. It’s amazing what your quality of sleep can do for your life. Now, I have less brain fog and everything is just clear.”

- Ruthann B., da Vinci hernia and gastric bypass patient


“For over 20 years I have been trying to lose weight without success, using various weight-loss programs. Dr. Pakula has been a godsend. Under her direction I have lost over 50 lbs. to where I am now able to lead a more active, and healthy lifestyle. Heartfelt thanks to you, Dr. Pakula, and your caring staff for helping me achieve this important goal.”

-Roberta C., da Vinci gastric bypass patient


“I couldn’t get out of bed. I couldn’t stand, and I couldn’t walk. I had to be wheeled around from place to place, and any pressure whatsoever on my leg caused excruciating pain. The robotic option intrigued me. I thought it sounded amazing. My dear husband has been making dinner for months, so he’s probably happy I can do it again.”

-Karen O., Globus Excelsius sciatica and herniated disc patient


“I had been suffering all day due to pain throughout my body. By the evening I went to the Urgent Care and I was rushed to the ER because of pain due to an inflamed appendix. Adventist Health Simi Valley confirmed that I needed an emergency appendectomy! Dr. Luckey checked me over and asked me how I was feeling with a very caring, friendly manner. He immediately rushed me into the surgical room because I was in so much pain. I am so thankful for such a wonderful doctor willing to give up his evening to care for my needs.

-Stephanie H., Emergency appendectomy patient
