emergency care

Emergency Resources

VC Alert is an emergency notification system that may be used to deliver alerts where there is a threat to the health of safety of residents in Ventura County.

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Be prepared for natural disasters

When a major disaster occurs, it is impossible for emergency services to respond to everyone’s needs immediately. You should be prepared to take care of yourself and your family for at least the first 72 hours — and possibly for an entire week. When making a family disaster plan, remember to include any special items you need for children, seniors, people with disabilities, family members who don’t speak English and pets.

Create a disaster emergency kit

You should have a basic emergency kit stored somewhere on your property, preferably outside the house in case your house collapses or cannot be occupied. Your kit should include:

  • Two gallons of water per person per day (one gallon for drinking and one gallon for sanitation) and unscented liquid household bleach for water purification
  • Ready-to-eat food and a manual can opener
  • Flashlight, battery-operated radio and extra batteries
  • Cash in small denominations, copies of important documents and phone numbers
  • First aid kit, essential medications, eyeglasses, hearing aids and other vital personal items
  • Any special needs items for children, seniors or the disabled
  • Personal hygiene items including toilet paper, diapers, soap and feminine products
  • Warm clothes, hats, rain gear, sturdy shoes and heavy gloves
  • Blanket or sleeping bag
  • A local map
  • Plastic sheeting, duct tape and utility knife for covering broken windows
  • Large plastic bags for waste and sanitation
  • Extra keys to your house and car

You should also prepare a "go-bag" in case of an evacuation. Have go-bags for each member of the family that are easy to carry and include an ID tag. Keep go-bags at home, at work and in your car. Go-bags should include:

  • Some water, food and manual can opener
  • Flashlight, battery-operated radio and extra batteries
  • Basic first aid kit and instructions
  • Whistle, pocket knife and dust mask
  • Personal medications and prescriptions, eyeglasses and hearing aids
  • Special needs items for children, seniors or people with disabilities
  • Walking shoes, warm clothes, a hat and rain gear
  • Toilet paper, plastic bags and other hygiene supplies
  • Extra keys to your house and vehicle
  • Cash, copies of insurance and identification cards, and out-of-area contact person information
  • Paper, pens and tape for leaving messages

The following links will also help you prepare for an emergency:
