child development center

Locations of Services

We recognize that children often learn better in their natural environments, such as their home, or other locations that are part of a child’s routine day. It’s in-between interventional visits to the Child Development Center that kids learn and grow the most. Our therapists want to help educate families on how they can best foster that growth. That’s why we don’t limit our services to the four walls of our center, and also offer them in-home and within the community.

At the center

  • Allows children to learn together and interact with others
  • Children attend with a parent or care provider
  • Children are grouped with others of a similar age
  • We recognize that children often learn better in their natural environments,
  • Parents or caregivers learn exercises and activities they can implement at home

In the home

  • A specialist brings toys and portable equipment into the home
  • Parents are taught exercises and activities to practice in the home
  • The intervention reflects the unique needs of the child and family

Within the community

  • At preschools and child care centers
  • Field trips to local parks and community sites