heart and vascular services

Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Breathe Easier, Live Better with the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program

Adventist Health and Rideout offers patients the help they need to gain independence through the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program.

The program is a 12 to 18-week outpatient monitored program which begins with a referral from your physician. The team will partner with you to get the referral and to create an individualized care plan based on your condition. Classes, which are held on Tuesday and Thursday, include both exercise and education elements. While you are exercising, you will learn tips to help reduce flare-ups and hospital admission, including:

  • Breathing retraining techniques
  • Nutrition
  • Infection prevention
  • Panic control
  • Energy conservation
  • Medication

Who qualifies for pulmonary rehabilitation?

People with the following diagnoses may qualify for pulmonary rehabilitation:

  • COPD (emphysema and chronic bronchitis)
  • Asthma
  • Pulmonary fibrosis
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Interstitial lung disease
  • Lung cancer
  • Post COVID-19
  • Certain other pulmonary diagnoses

Benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation

Pulmonary rehabilitation can in aid in increased independence, endurance and improved quality of life. Having a full understanding of your condition can provide additional benefits, such as better control of shortness of breath, reduced anxiety and depression, and even fewer hospital admissions.

Commonly asked questions

  1. What kind of exercise will I be doing?You will be doing aerobic exercise. We will select a special group of exercise machines that best suit your needs. You may exercise on treadmills, recumbent steppers, bicycles, arm machines or use free weights and stretching bands.
  2. I’m exercising at home already. Why should I come to the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program?We monitor your oxygen levels while you exercise, closely watching your breathing and making adjustments as needed. Your blood pressure and workload are also tracked. We will create a personal workout for you to do after rehabilitation is completed. We closely supervise your workout and will relay any concerns about your body’s response to your physician.
  3. Do I need to bring my own oxygen?If you are on oxygen, we will provide it to you during each session to maintain appropriate oxygen levels during exercise. You will need your own oxygen for travel to and from rehabilitation.
  4. Will my insurance cover rehabilitation?Most insurance companies cover the majority if not all the costs for pulmonary rehabilitation. Our staff can confirm this for you.

For more information, please call(530) 741-3840.
