stroke care

Stroke Alert Screening

An affordable & effective way to assess your stroke risk

Cardiovascular disease and stroke are the number one and number three leading causes of death in the United States. Additionally, there are thousands more who survive a heart attack or stroke ("brain attack") but have impaired function as a result. Beyond the human cost, the cost of treating these conditions and the cost to employers in terms of lost productivity runs into the multiple millions of dollars each day.

Ideally, we would like to do away with these conditions. Until that time arrives, there is much we can do through prevention and early detection to minimize the impact of these conditions. Adventist Health's Stroke Alert program can help.

Stroke Alert

Stroke Alert is a carotid screening and education program conducted by the vascular laboratory department of Adventist Health Portland. The screenings take place at our facility or throughout the community via partnership with Adventist Health/Wellness Services' Community HealthVan program. No physician referral is required.

What to expect during the test

Those who participate in the Stroke Alert screening will receive an ultrasound of the carotid arteries, the main arteries to the head. A registered nurse/vascular technologist conducts the screening. The exam is painless, completely safe and requires only a few minutes per participant.

After the screening, you will receive a report of the findings, copies of the images of your arteries and recommendations for follow-up. The technician will review these materials with you to help you understand what you can do to decrease your risk of having a stroke.

The cost of Stroke Alert

The fee for the Stroke Alert screening is typically $45. This is considerably less than some other screening vendors in the community.

For larger groups and selected Community Healthvan events, the fee is discounted. To receive the discount, there must be a guaranteed number of participants. Contact us for more details on this program.

How to receive a Stroke Alert screening

There are a number of ways to sign up for a Stroke Alert screening:

  • Contact your physician and, if appropriate, they can order the test for you
  • Contact the vascular lab for a personal appointment by calling(503) 251-6131
  • For corporate and community screenings, please call occupational health services at(503) 261-6916