during your stay

Support and Visitor Policy

Most people feel the most comfortable during their birth experience when they have the support and love of birthing partners. Many women also find themselves overwhelmed when there are too many people vying to be part of their personal birth experience.

Our policy about supporters during birth and visitors after is geared to make your experience safe, supported and meaningful to you while we provide the best care possible.

During birth

You're welcome to include two support people during birth. You may also add a professional doula if you wish.

After delivery

After your baby has arrived, you can have up to four different visitors per day. Only two may be in your room at a time. You can change who those four visitors are each day if you wish. Any minor must be accompanied by an adult who is not the patient.

Your care team may also suggest rest periods when it's important for you and your baby to have a break from guests while you both recover.
