diagnostic imaging and radiology


A reliable way to diagnose & treat injury or illness

X-ray is used to evaluate the chest, spine, skull, extremities, hips, pelvis and abdomen for suspected fractures and other indications of injury or abnormality. The images obtained most often show the affected area in two or more of the following views: front (AP), back (PA) and side (lateral).

Before your exam

No appointment or special preparation is required for a general X-ray examination. Patients may be asked to remove jewelry and/or clothing that interfere with the area being scanned. Gowns will be provided as needed.

Remember to inform the technologist prior to any X-ray examination if there is a possibility that you could be pregnant.

During your exam

X-ray exams take only one to 10 minutes to complete. A certified radiologic technologist will perform your exam. Most X-rays can be performed while you are standing. Some may require that you sit or lay down. Additionally, it may be necessary to hold your breath during certain exams.

After your exam

A radiologist will analyze the X-rays obtained and send a written report to your provider, typically within 48 hours.
