support services and wellness

Specialty Rehabilitation

Helping you recover from cancer treatment

Rehabilitation is an important component of cancer treatment too often overlooked. Even before treatment, our team can work with you on "prehabilitation" like:

  • Lymphedema (swelling) prevention.
  • Baseline measurements to help guide future treatment.
  • Education about signs and symptoms to watch for and how to work with them.

Following surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, patients may have fatigue, scarring, and limited range of motion and function. Our specialists offer guidance, improved function and peace of mind. Rehabilitative therapy can help lessen symptoms and promote survivorship.

We work as a team to provide well-rounded rehab programs for a variety of cancer-related issues, including:

  • Post-breast surgery rehabilitation and improved musculoskeletal function.
  • Soft-tissue techniques addressing axillary cording, scar tissue and reconstruction.
  • Lymphedema prevention and treatment.
  • Pelvic muscle dysfunction.
  • Treatment-related cognitive impairment (AKA “chemo brain”).
  • Speech or swallowing difficulties.

Our therapists teach about treatment-related issues, anatomy and physiology. They also suggest lifestyle changes, self‑care strategies and techniques to help you achieve and maintain long‑term success.

Meet our specialty rehab team and learn more about this important program.
