Adventist Health

Patient Satisfaction


We know patients have a lot of choices when it comes to where they receive healthcare and who they want to provide it. Adventist Health wants to provide helpful, accurate information that makes those decisions easier.

We offer patient ratings and reviews on our website so you can hear directly from our patients and understand their experience with our providers. And we are pleased that so many of our patients are extremely happy with their Adventist Health provider and the care they receive in our medical offices and hospitals.

About the surveys

Adventist Health measures many aspects of our patients’ experience. To ensure that we hold ourselves to the highest standards, we partner with an independent patient satisfaction company, Press Ganey. For more than 25 years, Press Ganey has been the industry’s recognized leader in healthcare patient satisfaction. Press Ganey works with more than 10,000 healthcare organizations nationwide, including 50 percent of all U.S. hospitals, to improve clinical and business outcomes.

Who receives the survey?

Patients treated by Adventist Health providers are randomly invited to complete surveys. Surveys are offered by email and text and give patients an opportunity to provide feedback about their experience with their provider.

What do we do with the survey responses?

Survey ratings and patient comments are shared on this website for the benefit of our patients and the public. Our providers also regularly see their patient ratings and how they compare to their peers. Results are used to evaluate patients’ overall perception of care and to identify areas for improvement.

How is the provider's patient satisfaction star rating created?

Star ratings are based on patient responses to five questions about the care given by a provider. Patients rate these statements with responses that vary from “very poor” to “very good”:

  1. Care provider's discussion of any proposed treatment (risks, benefits, etc.)
  2. Care provider's efforts to include you in decisions about your treatment
  3. Concern the care provider showed for your questions or worries
  4. Explanations the care provider gave you about your problem or condition
  5. Likelihood of your recommending this care provider to others

For each provider, ratings from patients are averaged together to form a single star rating.

Are all comments posted?

We post both positive and negative comments from the surveys. We do not post comments that are libelous, slanderous, profane, irrelevant or otherwise inappropriate or may risk the privacy of our patients. We may edit such language out of a comment and post the rest of the comment if it is relevant to the providers’ care.

Why don’t we see patient ratings and comments for every provider?

The more ratings a provider receives, the more accurate and reliable the results. That is why we require at least 30 patient satisfaction surveys to be returned before we post a star rating on a provider's profile.

For example, a doctor who sees patients in an Adventist Health medical office once a month and receives only 15 surveys over the course of a year will not have a corresponding star rating displayed.

Can anyone complete a survey or post a comment about a provider?

No. Only patients who have had an outpatient visit with a provider in one of our Adventist Health or Adventist Health Physicians Network medical offices may be selected to receive a survey. This ensures the information is from real patients who have been treated by the provider.

How is patient information protected?

Patient names are not displayed with their feedback. All personally identifiable information is removed from comments before they appear on our website.

In the survey feedback we receive from Press Ganey, no patient information is provided, unless the patient specified that they wished to be contacted by the medical office.

While the comments are posted in an anonymous manner, we understand a patient may recognize his or her own comment and like to have it removed from the website. Patients may request to have their own comment removed from a provider's profile by
