Leslie Was Given a Breathe of New Life
Jul 31, 2024

Surviving a Severe Respiratory Emergency
In April 2024, Leslie Coupe was tending to her garden on a Sunday morning. Suddenly, she had trouble breathing, forcing her to retreat indoors for a breathing treatment. Initially, she felt slight relief and sat down to eat lunch. Before long, though, Leslie felt her bronchial tube severely tighten.
Even after using her inhaler and attempting another breathing treatment, Leslie sensed something was seriously wrong. She called her son to rush her to the hospital, but as she walked to his car, Leslie collapsed. She instructed her son to call an ambulance, realizing she wouldn’t make it to the hospital without oxygen.
In fight-or-flight mode, struggling for each breath, Leslie was loaded into the ambulance. She saw her son’s terrified face as the doors closed and feared she might not survive. Just when her oxygen was running out, the paramedic reassured her: “Leslie, I got you.”
Her next memory was being wheeled into the emergency room at Adventist Health and Rideout. Amidst the controlled chaos, Leslie was surrounded by a resolute team focused solely on saving her life. She remembers care providers switching her oxygen mask, running tests and inserting an IV. Despite the panic and uncertainty, Leslie distinctly recalls the moment her oxygen levels surged, providing instant relief.
Three months removed from this harrowing experience, Leslie is profoundly grateful to the nurses and doctors who saved her life. Their proactive communication and compassionate care made her feel safe and informed throughout the ordeal.
Leslie learned that an environmental trigger combined with a recovering lung infection was the culprit of this respiratory emergency. Her physician adjusted her medication and provided a new inhaler which made a significant difference. Leslie spent a few days in the hospital, recovering and receiving what she describes as “a crash course in proactive health management.”
Leslie couldn’t believe the personalized attention she received. Despite knowing the hospital was full, she felt like she was the only patient there. Her care team coordinated her follow-up appointments, setting her on a new, healthier path. Leslie says, “I am so thankful for the wonderful people at Adventist Health and Rideout for saving my life and equipping me with the tools to maintain my health.” She’s back to spending quality time with her family, tending to her garden and caring for her many pets.