The continued pursuit of equality and inclusion
Feb 22, 2022

We wanted to share from one of our associates as we acknowledge health and wellness pioneers during Black History Month. Dave Lawrence is a senior human performance advisor for Adventist Health St. Helena and Vallejo. The work, he and the HP team do behind the scenes is vital to our facilities' health. We asked him a few questions about his work, beliefs and purpose at Adventist Health.
Here's what Dave had to say:
Q: What would you say is your most significant impact at Adventist Health?
A: I think it may be premature to acknowledge my most significant impact. However, three of our "be" statements encapsulate how I strive to make an impact daily. Be Love, Be Welcoming and Be a Force for Good. I want associates to know that I am an advocate for them. I want leaders to know my desire is to partner with them to support their needs and achieve their department's goals.
Q: What are you proud of in general?
A: I am proud of the strides our market has taken to align with the One Adventist Health philosophy through the shared service model. There is still much to be done; that said, I am excited about what we have achieved, especially through the pandemic.
Q: How might you tie Black History Month and your work together?
A: In a time where there is a desire to "forget" certain parts of our history, Black History Month stands as a reminder of the pursuit of equality and inclusion. We can celebrate and recognize accomplishments amidst setbacks while continuing this journey together to reach an ideal of "Oneness". We have made significant progress on this, but work still needs to be done.
Q: Is there anything you would like us to know more personally about you?
A: I was born and raised in Jamaica. I spent my early years in Canada and lived in New York, New Jersey, California, and Ohio. I have visited over 20 countries. Each place holds a special space for me because of the memories I made and the people I met. The cultures and environment of each place were different; however, I could thrive because of the relationships that were built and because of a mutual desire to learn and understand their experiences. I'm in the people business, and making an impact with each person is a lifelong journey.
Q: How do your personal beliefs and that of Adventist Health work together?
A: I am a person of faith; AH's mission closely aligns with my personal beliefs, which was one of the reasons I chose to work here. What better way to show God's love than by inspiring health, wholeness and hope! I consider these three areas integral to the quality of my life. This resonates with me, and I am fortunate to live this out every day to support our amazing caregivers and associates here at AHSH-VO.