alternative therapies

Massage Aromatherapy

Soothing & relaxing therapies for patients

Massage is a gentle therapy that helps relieve body tension and discomfort. During treatment, a therapist manipulates muscles and other soft tissues of the body to improve health and well-being.

Varieties of massage range from gentle stroking and kneading of muscles and other soft tissues to deeper manual techniques. Massage has been practiced as a healing therapy for centuries in nearly every culture around the world.

Massage often helps relieve stress, ease tight muscles, reduce fluid retention and alleviate chronic pain. Whether you need pain relief or just want to relax, our licensed massage therapist can help.

Massage therapy services are offered to patients staying at the medical center at no charge. Massage may be contraindicated for certain conditions.

Our massage therapists make rounds every day to offer their service. If you wish to avail of this service, please let your nurse know. They will contact the therapist for you.

We also offer aromatherapy (essential oils therapy) to our patientsEssential oils are taken from a plant's flowers, leaves, stalks, bark, rind or roots. The oils are mixed with another substance (such as oil, alcohol or lotion) and put on the skin, sprayed in the air or inhaled. Aromatherapy has been used since the 1900s to help treat a variety of conditions.

If you would like to request aromatherapy, please let your nurse know.
