December Ukiah Hero- Krishnil Sudanan
Dec 17, 2021

Our latest Ukiah Hero truly fits the bill when it comes to living our value of “Be a Force For Good”. He is helpful, kind, caring and is a true asset to our team at Adventist Health Ukiah Valley. Krishnil Sudanan was nominated by his peers noting his willingness to help and going above and beyond in his duties to ensure our staff our taken care of for their needs.
Krishnil works on our IT team and is known all over our hospital for his work in helping to make sure we are all taken care of. One of our team members had a really great story we had to share. She said, “It was a Wednesday morning at 7:40 a.m. and I was in the Main Conference Room preparing for our Joint Commission Stroke Surveyor to arrive. We had been working on our opening power point presentation for several months and were now about to present it. We felt we had made some big improvements from the last presentation and it would set the stage for our survey. We were ready to rock! As I was trying to get the PowerPoint to show on the big screen a message appeared saying it wouldn’t load because there was not enough space. Message said to delete files. “Oh my gosh- what is that!!!” I thought. I don’t know how to delete files from this computer! It was supposed to be as easy as signing on and opening the PowerPoint. So, I asked myself, “Ok, what to do now?” I know the proper procedure is to call 7500 but that will take too long, and I tried to think who will know how to fix this, I have their cell phone and they will do it quickly? I immediately thought of my go-to-guy. I called Kris. He was still at home, but he asked for the computer number and to give him a few minutes. A few minutes later, I received a call back from Kris, tried to load the PowerPoint again and success—it worked! Our surveyor arrived shortly after and we were able to give our opening presentation without anyone knowing there had been an issue. Kris has always been amazing about taking care of our IT issues. He was certainly my hero that day!!!"
Thank you, Krishnil, for being a hero to staff. Your skills and ability to quickly and efficiently help with our team’s IT needs, make a big difference in our day-to-day work!