neurological rehabilitation

Neurological Rehabilitation Resources

  • Neuro-Integrative Functional Rehabilitation and Habilitation (Neuro-IFRAH)- For treatment and management of adults with hemiplegia from stroke or brain injury.
  • Neurodevelopmental Treatment (NDT)
    • Our therapists have been trained in the NDT approach, which is used for management and treatment of individuals with central nervous system (CNS) pathophysiology. The individual's strengths and impairments are identified and addressed in relation to functional abilities and limitations. The NDT approach continues to evolve with the emergency of new theories, models, research and information in the movement sciences. NDT is a hands-on, problem solving approach. Intervention involves direct handling and guidance to optimize function. The approach is guided by the client's reactions throughout every treatment session.
  • Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT® BIG)for the treatment of individuals with Parkinson's Disease
    • LSVT BIG is delivered by both our trained physical and occupational therapists. Treatment is administered in 16 sessions over a single month (four individual 60-minute sessions per week). This protocol was developed specifically to address the unique movement impairments for people with Parkinson's Disease. It is both intensive and complex, with many repetitions of core movements that are used in daily living. This type of practice is necessary to optimize learning and carry-over of your better movement into everyday life.
    • Learn moreon YouTube.
    • Learn morefrom a patient in Florida.