contact us

Phone Directory

If you are having a medical emergency, please call 911.

If you do not see a number listed, please call our medical center operator at(661) 721-4800.
For those who are hearing impaired, please dial(661) 725-5443.

Patient Care

The AIS Cancer Center(661) 323-4673

Bariatric Services(661) 375-5871

Case Management(661) 721-5317

Chaplain Services(661) 721-5562

Children’s Mobile Immunizations Program(661) 869-6740

Emergency Department(661) 721-5252*FOR EMERGENCIES, PLEASE CALL 911.

Special Care Unit(661) 721-5292

Maternity Care Center(661) 721-5363

The Outpatient Surgery(661) 721-5273

Radiology(661) 721-5280

Registration(661) 721-5655

Business offices

Administration(661) 721-5201

Foundation/Philanthropy(661) 721-5210

Human Resources(661) 721-5351

Marketing and Communications(661) 721-5208

Medical Records(661) 721-5244

Patient Billing Office(661) 721-5213

Volunteer Services(661) 721-5210

Compliance Hotline(888) 366-3833
