Emergency Care
Quick, excellent, expert care

Every day, every hour, you and your loved ones can depend on our emergency department to meet your emergencies with quick, excellent, expert care when you need it most.
If you or someone near you is suffering a life-threatening emergency, call 911 immediately.
When to seek emergency care
When an injury or medical crisis threatens your life or limbs, you need emergency care. Examples of symptoms that indicate an emergency include:
- Inability to breathe or shortness of breath
- Seizure or loss of consciousness
- Persistent chest or abdominal pain or pressure
- Numbness or paralysis of an arm or leg
- Sudden slurred speech, visual changes or weakness
- Major burns
- Sudden or intense pain
- Sudden dizziness
- Severe headache
- Uncontrollable bleeding
- Head injury or broken bones
- Poisoning or suspected overdose
- Severe reaction to an insect bite, medication or food
- Suicidal or homicidal tendencies
Immediate Care for nonemergencies
When you have an illness or injury that needs care today or tomorrow but isn’t life- or limb-threatening, visit Immediate Care clinic or schedule an appointment with your physician as soon as possible.