emergency services

What to Expect

Clearlake emergency room

The Adventist Health Clear Lake emergency room provides critical care for all patients 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You’ll get the personal attention you need as soon as you arrive.

Arrival and triage

When you arrive at our ER, you will be assessed, or “triaged,” to assess the severity of your injury or condition. This is usually done by one of our ER nurses, who will make sure that if you have an urgent medical condition you are promptly seen. Once you are examined and the severity of your condition is known, you will usually be brought back to a bed to be seen by a physician.


Once you are in a private treatment room, a staff member will complete the registration process with you. Here you will need to disclose all medical information including allergies, current medications, past surgeries, etc. It is a good idea to keep a list of allergies and medications on hand in case of emergency.

Diagnosis and treatment

At this point, your doctor and nurses will care for you by performing a thorough assessment of your medical condition by an exam or evaluation. Tests such as imaging or bloodwork may be ordered to make a diagnosis. Other doctors such as your family physician or specialists may be consulted. Once you are stabilized and emergency treatment is given, you will be assessed on whether to admit you to the hospital or send you home with medical instructions and directions for follow-up care.


If you are discharged from the ER, you will be given instructions regarding your diagnosis. It is very important you understand what to do when you leave the department and what to expect in the future.

In most cases, you will be given instructions to follow up with your personal physician or a specialist about your condition. If you do not have a personal physician, we will give you names of several people you may choose for your follow-up care.
