urgent care

Urgent Care Plus

Did you know that 83% of adults have at least one chronic disease? When chronic illness strikes, Adventist Health Castle Urgent Care is often the first line of defense. Identifying these conditions early, and taking fast action leads to the best health outcomes. Our new, value added service, Urgent Care Plus™ lets you know when a chronic illness is suspected, and we take extra steps to start diagnosis and alert your Primary Care Doctor.

When we identify symptoms of chronic illness, we alert your Primary Care Physician (PCP). We use the newest technology to collaborate and quickly share health information with your PCP. When chronic illness is suspected, we assist in counseling, ordering labs and notifying the PCP. If you don’t have a Primary Care physician, we canhelp you find one.

The primary goal of Adventist Health Castle Urgent Care is to bring innovation to healthcare delivery, creating a seamless healthcare experience for you and your family. This leads to a higher level of transparency in healthcare delivery which allows for more efficient and timely care, which leads to better health outcomes.

Creating amazing healthcare one visit at a time

Quality care starts with a strong, long term relationship between you and your Primary Care Physician (PCP). When that is missing, your health is at risk.

Our amazing healthcare provides better health outcomes for you and your family.

  • We stay in touch with your Primary Care Physician (PCP)
  • We alert you and your PCP of acute conditions
  • We provide early identification of chronic conditions
  • We provide early intervention for chronic conditions
  • We connect you with a PCP if you don’t have one

Transforming healthcare delivery one community at a time

  • Offering an alternative to the emergency room saving time and money.
  • Offering high acuity urgent care with extended hours, on evening and weekends.
  • Offering Urgent Care Plus to reduce the progression of chronic illnesses in our community.
  • Offering support to Primary Care Physicians with communication and collaboration.