Helping your child with springtime allergies
Mar 8, 2022

As the seasons start to transition, many of us get excited to spend extended time outdoors. But the springtime is a little less fun for those who suffer from seasonal allergies.
Seasonal allergies are one of the most common types of allergies in the United States. Have you noticed that your child tends to get congested in the springtime? There are a few steps you can take to try to minimize your child’s symptoms so they can enjoy the warmer weather as well.
How do you know if it’s allergies?
It can be tricky to tell the difference between the common cold and seasonal allergies. But it’s more likely that your child has allergies if they have itchy eyes, sneeze frequently and don’t have a fever. And, of course, another sign of seasonal allergies is that they only have symptoms in the spring.
The only way to know for sure whether your child has seasonal allergies is to take them to an allergist. An allergist can run tests to identify the allergens that trigger your child’s symptoms. Once you know your child’s specific triggers, it gets easier to plan around and avoid those triggers.
What can I do for my child?
There are several ways you can make the season easier for children with allergies:
- Wash your hands frequently.When children play outside, they tend to get pollen on their hands or clothes. And if you’re also spending time outside, it’s easy for you to track pollen in the house as well. Make it a habit for all family members to wash their hands frequently, especially after spending time outside.
- Establish a bedtime bath routine.In addition to washing hands frequently, children should bathe regularly to get rid of lingering pollen. It can be especially uncomfortable if pollen makes its way into your child’s bedroom where they sleep. Make a habit out of bedtime baths to wash off all dirt and potential allergens from the day.
- Invest in a humidifier.Especially if you live in a dry climate, the air inside your house can easily lack moisture. Dry air is a little more uncomfortable to breathe in for anyone, and especially for kids with allergies. Get a humidifier and run it at night, especially in the last few cold weeks leading up to spring.
- Watch the weather.With temperatures warming, it can be tempting to get outside every day. But be mindful of weather conditions that could worsen your child’s symptoms. Windy and dry days are typically the toughest for allergies. And try to schedule outdoor time later in the day, when pollen counts are usually lower.
- Stay hydrated.Continually sneezing and blowing their nose can easily dehydrate children. Make it a habit to drink plenty of water throughout the day. In the evenings, try drinking warm tea with honey and lemon. Tea can help with hydration and soothe scratchy throats, while the warm steam can help with sinus congestion.
Looking for an allergist or other specialist?Find an Adventist Health provider near youtoday.