9 ways to stay busy at home during social distancing

Mar 17, 2020


You might be stuck at home due to COVID-19, but you can still stay busy during social distancing. Avoid getting cabin fever with these suggestions:

  1. Get outside: Social distancing doesn’t mean you can’t get outside and get some fresh air. Take a walk around the neighborhood, jog with your dog or toss the ball in the yard with your kids.
  2. Play a board games or start a puzzle: Set aside your phone, turn off the news, and gather the family around for a board game. Games and puzzles are a great way to take a break from screens and keep you occupied—sometimes for hours.
  3. Clean for spring:Yes, you’re probably disinfecting your countertops and doorknobs as often as possible. But what other deep cleaning can you get done?Clean out the fridge, vacuum under the sofa andget organizedwhile you’re stuck at home.
  4. Work out with YouTube videos: You don’t have to hit the gym to get a full-body workout in. YouTube has hundreds of free workouts you can do at home. Getting your body moving and your blood pumping will boost your mood too.
  5. Get creative:Remember that quilt you started a few months ago? Or those family photos you printed but never got added to your scrapbook or album? Now is a great time to utilize those craft supplies and get to work finishing (or starting!) projects.
  6. Eat together:Restaurants may be closed, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy quality time with your family or housemates over a delicious meal. Try a new recipe or cook some well-loved comfort food. Just remember to wash your hands before handling, preparing or eating food.
  7. Try armchair travel:Just because you can’t physically travel doesn’t mean you can’t dream of far-away places. Stream a documentary about a place you’ve always wanted to visit or browse online to see photos and learn the history of a favorite destination.
  8. Get lost in a book:Even if the library is closed, many of us have a stack of books we’ve been meaning to get to when life slows down. Now is a great time to tackle that reading list or re-read one of your favorites.
  9. Listen to a podcast:Even if your morning commute has been suspended, you can listen to your favorite podcasts or audiobooks while cleaning, crafting or taking a walk. Need a new podcast?Check out our podcast pagefor the latest in our library.

Feeling anxious?

With the closure of many businesses, schools and places of worship, it’s easy to feel isolated and anxious during this time. Here arefive ways to spread hopewithout spreading germs.
