
Phone Directory

If you do not see a number listed, please call our medical center operator at(661) 395-3000.

For those who are hearing impaired, please dial(661) 323-7629.

If you are having a medical emergency, please call911.

Patient Care

Adventist Health Physicians Network
(661) 241-6700

The AIS Cancer Center
(661) 323-4673

Bariatric Solutions
Surgical Services:(661) 869-6750

Case Management
(661) 869-6526

Children's Mobile Immunizations Program
(661) 869-6740

Emergency Department
(661) 869-6200

Home Care Services
(661) 863-2700

Maternity Care Center
(661) 869-6430

Outpatient Surgery Center
(661) 322-7874

Palliative Care
(661) 869-6627

Adventist Health Bakersfield:(661) 869-6260
Quest Imaging:(661) 633-5000

(661) 869-6100

Surgical Services
(661) 869-6400

The Wellness Center
(661) 863-2580

Business Offices

(661) 869-6180

(661) 863-2570

Human Resources
(661) 869-6600

Marketing and Communication
(661) 869-6560

Medical Records
(661) 869-6120

Patient Billing Office
(661) 869-6800

Patient Financial Services
(661) 869-6800

Privacy/HIPAA Compliance Officer
(661) 869-6525

Volunteer Services
(661) 869-6559
